"Jesus lives!" + Easter Photos 2018

Although we celebrated Easter a few days ago, it is still a topic of conversation around our adobe, and rightfully so!  Our Savior is alive in us, and for His life, we are forever grateful.

Every year, holidays become more and more "real" for our littles.  Those of you who know a bit about our oldest little know that he enjoys talking about God/Jesus.  This Easter, Steele was especially intrigued when it came to talking about how "Jesus lives" before and after attending Easter service.  He and I worked on an "Easter speech" to share with family, but - in true fashion - he decided to keep it to himself when asked to recite it! 

Hubby and I intentionally waited to give him and little brother their Easter baskets after church to keep the true focus on why we celebrate Easter.  Later that evening, Patrick's parents hosted Easter dinner and an egg hunt.  Both boys wore shirts that said, "Silly rabbit, Easter is for Jesus."  The consistent and constant reminders for our boys are so important to us to share with them in an effort to point everything back to Jesus!

Now, I'm that Mama who has walked by her son's closets for months and stared at the pressed seersucker hanging up, anxiously awaiting Easter Sunday to don her boys up in their Sunday best!  This year did not disappoint!  My big guy, little guy, and tiny guy were so handsome!  (Of course, I had to match them!  Who says having boys isn't fun?!)  See for yourself below! (Photo credit:  Me + Hubby)

This was the "it's lunch time, Mama" meltdown!  But still - so precious, right?!

On a fashion note, I was able to outfit my guys from my finds at one of my favorites stores for a good deal - Belk!  My shoes are from Belk, too (seasons ago, though!)  I snagged my blue striped dress and the boys precious little shoes from Amazon.com.


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